Publications of Gregor Meyer
in backwards chronological order
- G. Meyer. On Types and Type Consistency in Logic Programming.
PhD thesis, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany, 1999.
Berlin: Akad. Verl.Ges. Aka 2000
(Dissertationen zur künstlichen Intelligenz; Bd 235)
ISBN 3-89838-235-4
- C. Beierle, R. Kloos, and G. Meyer.
A pragmatic type concept for Prolog supporting polymorphism, subtyping,
and meta-programming.
In International
Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming. Workshop on Program
volume 30 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier,
- C. Beierle and G. Meyer.
Using types as approximations for type checking Prolog programs.
In A. Middeldorp and T. Sato, editors, Functional and Logic Programming,
volume 1722 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 1999.
- G. Meyer and C. Beierle. Dimensions of types in logic programming.
In W. Bibel and P. H. Schmitt, editors,
Automated Deduction - A Basis for Applications,
chapter 10. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 1998.
- G. Meyer.
On the use of types in logic programming.
Informatik Berichte, No. 199, FernUniversität Hagen, June 1996.
- G. Meyer.
Type checking and type inferencing for logic programs with subtypes
and parametric polymorphism.
Informatik Berichte, No. 200, FernUniversität Hagen, June 1996.
- G. Meyer.
A framework for object-oriented logic programming.
In L. Dreschler-Fischer and S. Pribbenow, editors, 19th Annual
German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshops, Bielefeld,
September 1995. GI, Ges. f. Informatik.
- G. Meyer.
Polymorphic feature types.
In C. Beierle and L. Plümer, editors, Logic Programming:
Formal Methods and Practical Applications, Studies in Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence. North-Holland, 1995.
- G. Meyer.
Logisches Programmieren mit Typhierarchien - open-world vs. closed-world.
In J. Kunze and H. Stoyan, editors,
18. Deutsche Jahrestagung f. Künstliche Intelligenz, Workshops,
Saarbrücken, September 1994. GI, Ges. f. Informatik.
- G. Meyer.
Zur Modellierung in der ordnungssortierten Programmierung.
In N. Fuchs, editor, Workshop on Logic Programming, Zürich, 1994.
- C. Beierle, S. Böttcher, and G. Meyer.
Report of the Logic Programming Language PROTOS-L (revised version).
Working Paper No 4, IBM Germany, Scientific Center, Inst. for Logics
and Linguistics, Heidelberg, July 1994.
- G. Meyer and C. Beierle.
PROTOS-L Users's Manual.
Working Paper No 5, IBM Germany, Scientific Center, Inst. for Logics
and Linguistics, Heidelberg, July 1994.
- C. Beierle and G. Meyer.
Run-time type computations in the Warren Abstract Machine.
The Journal of Logic Programming, 18(2):123-148, February 1994.
- G. Meyer, C. Beierle, and R. Scheubrein.
Aspects of coupling logic programming and databases.
In H. H. Bock, W. Lenski, and M. M. Richter, editors,
Information systems and data analysis, volume 4 of
Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization,
pages 111-125, Kaiserslautern, 1994. Springer Verlag.
- G. Meyer and S. Weigel.
Polymorphe Featuretypen - Typinferenz und Typüberprüfung.
In H. Boley, F. Bry, and U. Geske, editors,
Proc. Workshop
``Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung'' auf der KI-93,
Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin,
Research Report RR-93-35, September 1993. DFKI Kaiserslautern.
- G. Meyer.
Zusicherungen zur Diskussion gestellt.
Softwaretechnik-Trends, Mitteilungen der GI-Fachgruppe
'Software Engineering', 13(2):55-61, May 1993.
- G. Meyer, C. Beierle, and R. Scheubrein.
Persistente Datenspeicherung in einer logischen Programmiersprache
mit relationalen und deduktiven Datenbanken.
IWBS Report 219, IBM Scientific Center, Institute for Knowledge Based
Systems, Stuttgart, June 1992.
- C. Beierle, G. Meyer, and H. Semle.
Extending the Warren Abstract Machine to polymorphic
order-sorted resolution.
In V. Saraswat and K. Ueda, editors, Logic Programming:
Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium, pages 272--286,
MA, 1991. MIT Press.
- C. Beierle, G. Meyer, and H. Semle.
A brief description of the PROTOS-L system.
In H. Boley and M. M. Richter, editors,
Proc. Int. Workshop on Processing Declarative Knowledge, PDK,
pages 402 - 404. Springer Verlag, July 1991.
volume 567 of Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence
- G. Meyer.
Evaluation of database inference rules in the PROTOS-L system.
Diplomarbeit Nr. 630, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für
Informatik, Stuttgart, December 1989.
(in German).
GM Jul.'96,
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