Int. Conf. on Logic Programming, July 1997, Leuven

Tutorial on Types in Logic Programming

Gregor Meyer


An overwhelming number of approaches combining types with LP proves the advantages of a typed declarative language. On the other hand a general framework, or moreover a commonly accepted base line for type systems in LP is missing. In contrast, for procedural and functional languages such a common base seems to be available. For example, in these languages the concept of a type error is rather clear, the main purpose of typing is to ensure program execution to be free from type errors, and the semantics of a program is usually independent of types.

The tutorial clarifies how typed LP languages differ on these aspects, notably on the definition of a type error. Additional facets are explained, e.g., types as constraints and the concept of useless expressions. As a central theme we will elaborate three almost independent dimensions of types in logic programming: types as approximations, types as constraints and types for proving partial correctness. Several type systems will be analyzed along these dimensions, exhibiting their respective benefits and limitations.

[FernUni Hagen]| [Computer Science] [Prakt. Inf. VIII]

GM May.'97,