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Aktuelles: Archiv
- Best Paper Award IEA/AIE 2017 - The 30th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering, Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems für Christoph Beierle und Steven Kutsch
- Fakultätspreis Mathematik und Informatik 2017 für Marc Finthammer: Concepts and Algorithms for Computing Maximum Entropy Distributions for Knowledge Bases with Relational Probabilistic Conditionals. Dissertation Informatik.
- Förderpreis für herausragende Prüfungsleistungen 2017 für Bettina Sader: Konzeptuelle Erweiterung einer beschreibungslogischen Ontologie zur medikamentösen Brustkrebstherapie. B.Sc. Informatik.
- Förderpreis für herausragende Prüfungsleistungen 2016 für Kilian Sprotte: Verwendung von Constraint-Programmierung für die Realisierung eines abstrakten Argumentationssystems. M.Sc. Praktische Informatik.
- Keynote at FoIKS 2016: Ninth International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
- PC Chair SUM 2015: Ninth International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management
Concepts and Algorithms for Computing Maximum Entropy Distributions for Knowledge Bases with Relational Probabilistic Conditionals
Computational Models of Rationality. Essays dedicated to Gabriele Kern-Isberner on the occasion of her 60th birthday
Scalable Uncertainty Management. 9th International Conference, SUM 2015
FoIKS 2014: Eighth International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems
- FLAIRS-27: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2014
- DKB 2013: 4th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief
- AST 2013: Applications of Semantic Technologies. 7th International Workshop at INFORMATIK 2013
- INAP 2013: 20th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management
- IJCAI-13: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- FLAIRS-26: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2013
- NMR 2012: 14th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning
- FLAIRS-25: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2012
- DKB-2011: 3rd Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief - Evolving Knowledge in Theory and Applications
- MOC-2011: Deklarative Modellierung und effiziente Optimierung mit Constraint-Technologie
- AST 2011: 6th International Workshop Applications of Semantic Technologies
- WLP 2011: 25th Workshop on Logic Programming
- INAP 2011: 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management
- IJCAI-2011: Twenty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- FLAIRS-24: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2011
- CPAIOR 2011 WORKSHOP: ISA - Innovative Scheduling and other Applications using CP-AI-OR
- GI: Informatiktage 2011
- SDKB 2010: 4th International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases
- IPMU-2010: International Conference on Information Processing and Managment of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
- NMR 2010: Non-Monotonic Reasoning - Sub-Workshop: NMR and Uncertainty
- WLP 2010: 24th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming
- GI: Informatiktage 2010
- FLAIRS-23: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2010
- Informatik-Kolloquium: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Lutz Plümer am 2. 2. 2010
- KI-2009 Workshop: Relational Approaches to Knowledge Representation and Learning
- WLP 2009: 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming
- AST 2009: Applications of Semantic Technologies
- MOC 2009: Deklarative Modellierung und effiziente Optimierung — dank Constraint-Technologie
- ACCAT 2009: Applied and Computational Category Theory
- FLAIRS-22: Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning 2009
- Antrittsvorlesung PD Dr. Manfred Widera am 4. 12. 2008
- WLP 2008: 22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming
- AST 2008: Applications of Semantic Technologies
- MOC-2008: Deklarative Modellierung und effiziente Optimierung - dank Constraint-Technologie
- KI-2007 Workshop: Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief
- WLP 2007: 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming