Sebastian Lanwer

Sebastian Lanwer Photo: FernUniversität

Email: sebastian.lanwer

Curriculum Vitae

10/2000-04/2004 Diploma degree (Dipl. / FH): social education at the Catholic University of Applied Science Münster, thesis on "Literary Writing as Life Coping"
04/2005-02/2010 Magister degree (M.A.): political science, sociology, philosophy,
University of Münster, thesis on "Political Satire in Times of Crisis"
04/2017-09/2021 Master's degree (M.A.): sociology at the FernUniversität in Hagen, thesis on: "Towards a Sociology of Instability – an Ethnomethodological Analysis of Political Practice"
Since 02/2018 Scientific online-tutor at the chair for general sociology and sociological theories (Prof. Dr. Frank Hillebrandt) at the institute of sociology of Open University Hagen

Center of work

  • Sociological theory (esp. Ethnomethodology)
  • Political Sociology