Indirect Dependencies

The following describes, where indirect dependencies can occur.
Let A, B and C be classes declared in different packages a, b and c.
  1. Invocation of overwritten method: Let B be a subclass of A that overwrites the method m() declared in A as shown in the following code snippet:
    class A {
      public void m() {..}
    class B extends A {
      public void m() {..}
    class C {
      void foo(A someA) {
    Invocation of m() on an object of type A in class C may actually call B's method m(). This is taken into account by introducing an indirect dependency from c to b.

  2. Assigning a method's return value: Consider the following example where again B extends A:
    class A {
      public static B getSth() {...}
    class B extends A {
    class C {
      void foo() {
        A someA = A.getSth();
    Removing B forces changes in A to make it error-free. If the return type of getSth() is changed to Object after the removal of B, foo() in C needs to be changed as Object can't be assigned to a variable of type A. Therefore c is indirectly dependent on b.

  3. Handing over a method's return value to another method: Let A and B be as shown in (2.). Let class C invoke a method with a parameter of type A:
    class C {
      void foo() {
      static void doSth(A someA) {}
    Similar to the previous example, changes on foo() would be required, if B was deleted and getSth()'s return type would have been changed to anything that is not of type A. Thus again c is indirectly dependent on b.

  4. Assigning a field: If in analogy to (2.) the class C assigns a field of type B declared in A to another variable, C might have to be changed, if B was deleted:
    class A {
      static B someField;
    class B extends A {
    class C {
      void foo() {
        A someA = B.someField;
    This leads again to an indirect dependency from c to b.

  5. Handing over a field to a method: If similar to (3.) the field declared in A is handed over to a method, which requires a parameter of type A, changes in C might be necessary, if B was removed:
    class C {
      void foo() {
      static void doSth(A someA) {}
    Once again c is indirectly dependent on b.

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