MA Niklas Lehrke

Niklas Lehrke Photo: Benedikt Reuse

Email: niklas.lehrke

Phone: +49 2331 987- 2741

Office hours: hours by agreement

Room: C.2006

Module Tutor: BA PVS: Modul 25504/P1;


curriculum vitae

Since 07/2024 Research Associate, Political Science II – International Politics, FernUniversität Hagen

11/2023 – 06/2024 Academic Online-Tutor, Political Science II – International Politics, FernUniversität Hagen

01/2022 – 09/2023 Student Assistant, Chair for International Relations and International Political Economy, Goethe-University Frankfurt

04/2021 – 12/2021 Student Assistant, DFG-research project on perceptions of political parties in 19th century US, Chair for Political Sociology and State Theory, Goethe-University Frankfurt

Between 2017 and 2023 Academic Tutor, Introduction to Political Science (Philipps-University Marburg) and Orientation Class Humanities and Social Sciences (Goethe-University Frankfurt)

Center of work


10/2019 – 05/2024 MA Political Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt

10/2014 – 09/2019 BA Political Science and BA Comparative Studies in Culture and Religion, Philipps-University Marburg

Research Focus

Critical Theory

Materialist State Theory

International Relations Theory

Intellectual foundations of state and politics in the United States

Critical Theory

Materialist State Theory

International Relations Theory

Intellectual foundations of state and politics in the United States

Nicole Pferdekamp | 03.07.2024