Jasmin Mazurek

Jasmin Mazurek Photo: Hardy Welsch

Email: bwlbuf

Phone: +49 2331 987-2611

Office hours: Tuesday: 09:00 - 11:00, 13:00 - 15:00

Room: B 310, Bldg. 7


Work Experience
since 2012 Management Assistant in Office Communication at the secretary's office for the
Chair of Banking and Finance
since 2011 Management Assistant in Office Communication at the secretary's office for the
Chair of Parallelism & VLSI
2011 - 2012 Management Assistant in Office Communication at the secretary's office for the
Chair of Database Systems for new Applications
2011 - 2023 Management Assistant in Office Communication at the secretary's office at the
Department 5.2.1 - Facility Management
2012 A-levels
2008 - 2011 Training as Management Assistant in Office Communication at the
FernUniversität in Hagen