Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data 2025

@Petri Net 2025 (22-27 June), Paris, France

The workshop Algorithms & Theories for the Analysis of Event Data is a satellite event of the 46h International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2025). The workshop aims to attract papers related to process mining, region theory and other synthesis techniques. These techniques have in common that "lower level" behavioral descriptions (event logs, sets of partial orders, transition systems, etc.) are used to create "higher level" process models (e.g., various classes of Petri nets, BPMN, or UML activity diagrams).
ATAED 2025 solicits papers related to process mining and region theory. However, the scope is not limited to this. The program committee invites submission of full papers (up to 15 pages) and of short papers (up to 5 pages). Papers should be submitted as pdf-files using the CEUR latex style. Papers need to be submitted via Easychair.


The deadline for abstracts is March 18, 2025.
The deadline for papers is March 28, 2025.
The Notification of paper acceptance is April 21, 2025.
The Workshop is June 24, 2025.


theory and applications of process mining
theory and applications of region theory
theory and applications for event-based predictive analytics
theory and applications solutions for process mining & big data
automated business process model discovery
conformance checking, alignments, and replay algorithms
process monitoring

object centric event ogs
partially ordered event logs
decision mining techniques
real-time process mining
trace clustering methods
architectures for distributed process mining
case studies and empirical investigations using event data


Program Committee

Abel Armas Cervantes
Robin Bergenthum (co-chair)
Luca Bernardinello
Thomas Chatain
Jörg Desel
Stefan Haar
Piotrek Hofman
Anna Kalenkova
Jakub Kovář

Gabriel Juhás
Sander Leemans
Robert Lorenz
Lisa Mannel
Felix Mannhardt
Andrey Rivkin (co-chair)
Dominique Sommers
Jochen De Weerdt
Jan-Martin van der Werf (co-chair)