
Paper accepted for ECSQARU 2023


The paper "On the Cognitive Logic of Human Propositional Reasoning: Merging Ranking Functions" by Eda Ismail-Tsaous, Kai Sauerwald, Marco Ragni (TU Chemnitz), Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund), and Christoph Beierle has been accepted at ECSQARU 2023.

Abstract of the paper

On the Cognitive Logic of Human Propositional Reasoning: Merging Ranking Functions
by Eda Ismail-Tsaous, Kai Sauerwald, Marco Ragni (TU Chemnitz), Gabriele Kern-Isberner (TU Dortmund), and Christoph Beierle
This paper considers whether the sequential application of a combination of a merging operator and a ranking construction operator predicts human propositional reasoning. Our formally sound approach is benchmarked on data from a psychological experiment, demonstrating that the approach is cognitively more adequate than classical logic.

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