
Paper accepted for ECAI 2024


The paper "Revisiting Vacuous Reduct Semantics for Abstract Argumentation" by Lydia Blümel and Matthias Thimm has been accepted at ECAI 2024.

Abstract of the paper

Revisiting Vacuous Reduct Semantics for Abstract Argumentation

by Lydia Blümel and Matthias Thimm

We consider the notion of a vacuous reduct semantics for abstract argumentation frameworks, which, given two abstract argumentation semantics σ and τ , refines σ (base condition) by accepting only those σ-extensions that have no non-empty τ-extension in their reduct (vacuity condition). We give a systematic overview on vacuous reduct semantics resulting from combining different admissibility-based and conflict-free semantics and present a principle-based analysis of vacuous reduct semantics in general. We provide criteria for the inheritance of principle satisfaction by a vacuous reduct semantics from its base and vacuity condition for established as well as recently introduced principles in the context of weak argumentation semantics. We also conduct a principle-based analysis for the special case of undisputed semantics.

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