Wintersemester 2018/19

Module P4: Cultural Philosophy

The BA program in Cultural Studies at FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany has been involved in an international virtual exchange program with the Dublin City University Connected (Ireland) for several years. Within the framework of the program, students are given the opportunity to study at a partner university free of charge and to take exams recognized by their home university. All informations about the program you find here.

For these International Virtual Mobility Program, the module P4 “Cultural Philosophy” of the BA program in Cultural Studies is now available in English for exchange students from our partner university.

Contents of the P4 module

The module presents representational problems, theories and disciplines of cultural philosophy from a theoretical perspective, thereby illuminating the interrelationships of exemplary factors of culture. The printed study material includes four texts:

33498 Cultural Philosophy
33495 Languages-Cultures-Thought
33497 Philosophy of Technology
33496 Philosophy of Interculturality

The first text (33498: Cultural Philosophy) gives a historic-systematic overview of the most important meanings of ”culture“, ”culture criticism“ and ”cultural sciences“ as well as important questions and concepts of the relatively young discipline „cultural philosophy“. The second text (33495: Languages-Cultures-Thought) deals with the most important approaches to the question, in what way different individual languages produce different ”world images“ and thus cultures of thought. Since technical developments are among the conditional factors of culture, the text on Philosophy of Technology (33497) presents different approaches and methods to reflect on ”technology“ in the social and scientific context in order to examine their ethical implications. The last text „Philosophy of Interculturalism“ (33496) focuses on ”discussion of the cultural worlds“ in which cultural difference is experienced as a mutually fruitful challenge, which must be demonstrated with philosophical reasoning and insight. Intercultural thinking as a comparatively young field of research in philosophy would thus be understood not only as an additional philosophical discipline, but also as a critique of the current understanding of philosophy.


15 ECTS points. This corresponds to 450 hours of work, which consists of reading texts and writing the coursework.


The counselor of these module is
Dr. Gunnar Schumann
Institut für Philosophie der Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften,

For more information about the Modul P4, please contact Dr. Gunnar Schumann:

    LG Philosophie I
    PD Dr. Gunnar Schumann
    Tel.: 02331/987-2151 (in der Regel dienstags und mittwochs, 10.15 – 17.00 Uhr)
    email: gunnar.schumann (Mo – Fr; bitte geben Sie Ihre Matr.-Nr. an!)

    Die Nachfolger*in von Herrn Schumann wird schnellstmöglich bekannt gegeben und wird für das Sommersemester die Prüfungen abnehmen. Wenden Sie sich mit Anfragen zu Prüfungsthemen bis auf Weiteres an lehrgebiet.busche


      To pass module P4, you will have to write a coursework during the semester (15 pages).

      Instructions for student’s papers for module ‚Cultural Philosophy‘

      Note: To find a topic to write your paper on, choose one from the “List of texts/topics”-document and consult the module counselor.

      The structure of the module is designed for to be completed in one semester.

      Note: If you do not pass the module examination, it is possible to repeat the examination two times in the following semesters (after consultation of the module counselor).